"Un Tour de Force"! French premiere of BOOM X à Québec:

Sunday, June 6, 2021

The BOOM X reviews are in:

Le Soleil: "En braquant les projecteurs sur la génération X, le formidable performeur Rick Miller réussit un véritable tour de force avec BOOM X... C’est le genre de spectacle qu’on voudrait voir debout, tout près de la scène, les bras en l’air, à reprendre en chœur les chansons rassembleuses qu’on entend."

Journal de Québec: "Un kaléidoscope d’images, de souvenirs et de musique qui ont parsemé la période de 1970 à 1995... Deuxième spectacle d’une trilogie, l’artiste plongera ensuite dans l’univers des milléniaux. Et on a hâte."

Revue Jeu: "L’exercice, d’un point de vue purement spectaculaire, (suscite) les oh ! et les ah !.. mais au final, c’est le côté gamin, complètement investi, de la performance de Rick Miller qui a du charme. Faire du théâtre, après tout, c’est jouer!"

After the successful Asian premiere of BOOM in Taichung, Taiwan, the Kidoons team were delighted to be back with part 2 of the trilogy at Carrefour international de théâtre, and Le Diamant from June 3-5 in Quebec City, QC.

The English version of BOOM X has been performed over 150 times across Canada, but this is the first time Rick performed the show almost entirely in French. In the past, the Carrefour has hosted 3 other French premieres of Rick's solo shows, including Bigger Than Jesus, VENDU (vf. of HARDSELL), and BOOM. We're grateful for - and excited by - this long and fruitful partnership!

Kidoons in association with Theatre Calgary and The 20K Collective presents
RICK MILLER: Writer/Director/Performer*
JEFF LORD: Executive Producer
BRUNO MATTE: Lighting Designer/Production Manager
NICOLAS DOSTIE: Video & Projection Co-Designer
IRINA LITVINENKO: Video & Projection Co-Designer
VIRGINIE LECLERC: Costume & Props Designer
CRAIG FRANCIS: Dramaturg, Stage Manager*
RICK MILLER: Set & Sound Designer/Composer
AIDAN WARE: Assistant Production Manager
LOGOGRAPH: Graphic Design
MUSIC LICENSING: Lucie Bourgouin (Permission) and Michael Perlmutter (Instinct)
Official site: BoomShow.ca Outreach site: www.EncyclopediaCanada.com
Developed in association with The 20K Collective.
The world premiere of BOOM X was presented at
Theatre Calgary in 2019.

Carrefour website, info and tickets.